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Best Available Rate! 11% discount you get by entering the discount code EALOYALTY. Not applicable to special offers.


EA Congress Hotel Aldis**** –  a top-class congress centre in Hradec Králové

The ideal place for conferences, seminars, training sessions, workshops, press conferences, and company celebrations.

We offer

  • Planning and holding congresses and conferences
  • The preparation and provision of advertising and publicity events
  • The organisation of training sessions, social events, and meetings
  • VIP service

Conference space

Capacity (number of persons)
Area (sqm) Classroom Theatre U-shape
Gočár Room 350 200 280 90
Panorama 1 room 60 30 - 20
Panorama 2 room 71 40 - 30
Combined Panorama rooms (Panorama 1 + Panorama 2) 131 60 - 40
Kotěra lounge 73 40 56 30

Orientation maps of congress facilities HERE.

What you get from us:

  • Planning congresses and conferences, the formulation of a public relations plan, budget compilation, and cash-flow plan included
  • The full organisation of congresses, the arrangement of important social, cultural and sporting events
  • The preparation and provision of accompanying accommodation, transport, culinary, and cultural services or social events for congress delegates
  • The preparation and organisation of sponsoring
  • The preparation and provision of advertising and publicity events
  • VIP service, EA Culinary Team
  • The organisation and provision of congresses, conferences, training for businesses, social and state institutions
  • Special packages for the organisation of social events, conferences, and meetings

Special offers